creativity, positivity & mindfulness
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- Tags: tartan, wellbeing gift
getting back out there
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it's the little things - care, love and hope
Posted by Beatson Admin on

did you know that april is stress awareness month? it’s no surprise that more people are experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety due to the events of the past year. at beatson cancer charity we are very aware of this and amongst other recent initiatives we launched our befriending service last year to help patients and families cope better.
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- Tags: candles, care packs, gift, wellbeing gift
meet the designer - jane hunter, hunters' atelier
Posted by Beatson Admin on

In March 2020 Beatson Cancer Charity was proud to register its very own tartan. Designed specifically for the charity by Jane Hunter, we caught up with her one year on to reflect on her design career and influences, why she chose to support our charity and where the Beatson Tartan may lead us next.... How did you become a designer? From a young age I always loved art and design so I took myself off to Glasgow School of Art and graduated in Furniture design (with a First, a surprise to me and everybody else!) Following on from that, my design career has been varied...
celebrations - lucky number 7!
Posted by Beatson Admin on

Beatson Cancer Charity celebrates its 7th Anniversary on the 27th of this month. In 2014 Friends of the Beatson and Beatson Oncology Centre Fund merged, and Beatson Cancer Charity was born. It’s been an incredible journey so far and, whether you believe in luck or not, we hope the number 7 will be lucky for us. Our new twin heart lucky sixpence has been specially designed with the words Care Love Hope and our distinctive Beatson Tartan to celebrate our 7th anniversary. Care, love and hope are the three foundations on which our charity carries out its work. In these past 7 years so much has happened worth celebrating which we love to do with supporters, staff, volunteers and other friends. Our heart shaped pin badge has become synonymous with such celebrations – birthdays, weddings anniversaries and...